City of Utica Residents - The Department of Public Works will be collecting Christmas trees now through February 7th, 2025.

City of Rome

Western Transfer Station & EcoDrop Rome

Rome Garbage

The current City of Rome garbage and recycling program each household and commercial building within the refuse district receives two waste and recycling containers:

  • one for bagged garbage only
  • one for RecycleOne (single stream) curbside recyclables.

All refuse and recyclables set out for collection must be placed in these designated carts. Additional recycling containers may be utilized if necessary. The carts are city-owned and are to remain with the associated property. Each cart is equipped with an RFID tag that is registered to each address.

Please follow the instructions below regarding the proper use of carts, garbage, and recycling requirements.

Rome Recycling

  1. All recyclable items—paper, plastic, metal, and glass—need to be mixed together loosely in the recycling cart.
  2. Recyclables must be placed in your designated cart labeled “RECYCLING ONLY,” with no plastic bags.
  3. Lids and labels should be left on recyclable containers. Containers should be empty and rinsed before recycling.
  4. Do not place recyclables in plastic bags for collection. No string, no trash, or green waste allowed.

Visit our website at

For questions about cart services and collection information contact Rome DPW at

For questions about Rome Recycling call The Authority at 315-733-1224.

City of Rome Municipal Poster


575 Perimeter Rd Rome, NY 13441