City of Utica Residents - The Department of Public Works will be collecting Christmas trees now through February 7th, 2025.

Final Local Solid Waste Management Plan

A new Local Solid Waste Management Plan (the "Plan") was developed in 2010. The Plan will guide the Authority forward from a policy standpoint for the ten-year period beginning in 2011. The Authority will continue to provide an integrated solid waste management program which first maximizes reduction and recycling through support of the Product Stewardship initiative, boosting organics recovery, development of a new single stream recycling program, continuing to support the area's Pay-As-You-Throw programs (PAYT) and expanding non-traditional recycling/disposal opportunities (old pharmaceuticals, electronics, paint). This Plan will be fully consistent with the State's solid waste management hierarchy. Future planning unit projections and changes are set forth in the Plan. The document strives to be realistic and avoids putting forth numbers that are not reachable goals. The Authority is fully committed to evaluating new opportunities and technologies given economic realities, market availabilities, and track records.

As stated in the Plan, the Authority will also continue to operate all of its solid waste management facilities with the highest level of environmental protection, while keeping disposal fees at reasonable rates so as to benefit our region's economy.

Public input was solicited and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation approved the Authority's Local Solid Waste Management Plan on September 9, 2010.

The Authority Board of Directors authorized the implementation of the Local Solid Waste Management Plan on September 20, 2010.

Download Our Local Solid Waste Management Plan.

Local Solid Waste Management Plan Biennial Update (Updated 2021)