Purchase Compost

Compost Application Rates

US Composting Council

The Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority's yard waste compost has been certified by the US Composting Council under its Seal of Testing Assurance Program as consistent, high-quality compost. This means the Authority's compost has been tested by third party laboratories to ensure that it meets all state and federal environmental requirements.

Compost Test Results

The Authority produces high quality compost from municipal yard waste generated in our two county area.  Our finished compost is made entirely from processed brush, leaves and grass clippings, fully cured and screened to 1/2”.   No sewage sludge or solid wastes are included in our compost mix. Compost alone is not a fertilizer.   Compost should be used as a soil additive to develop or improve moisture retention and add important organic matter.  Compost worked into clay or sandy soils improves texture, helps with compaction and aerates the soil, thereby facilitating grass and turf root development.  It can also be used as a substitute for landscaping mulch or peat moss.

Lawn Establishment and Maintenance
Establishment:  Apply 1 - 2 inches of compost to the new lawn area.  Incorporate into the soil to a depth of 5 – 8 inches.  Rake soil surface smooth prior to applying seed.  Apply seed as required.  Lightly water the newly seeded area.

Maintenance: Apply fine layer of ¼ to ½ inch of compost and rake evenly across the lawn.  Reseed if needed and lightly water.

Flower Bed and Garden Soil Maintenance
Apply about 2 inches of compost to the garden. Blend with existing soil to a depth of 6 - 8 inches

Landscaping Development and Maintenance
Apply 1 – 3 inches of compost around planting beds, trees and shrubs. 

Tree and Shrub Planting
Excavate a hole slightly shallower and 2 to 3 times the width of the root ball or container. Uniformly blend compost with the excavated soil at 1 part compost to 2-3 parts soil. Back-fill and firm the soil/compost blend around loose roots and root ball within the planting hole.  Water trees and shrubs thoroughly after planting. 

Watch the COMPOST video

Screened, cured compost material made from processed leaves, grass clippings and brush - no solid waste or sludge.

Bulk Price:
$15.00 per cubic yard loaded in your dump truck at the Utica facility only.

Pick-up Truck Price:
$15.00 per pick-up truck, $20.00 per large pick-up truck loaded at the Utica facility and Rome facility.

Bagged Price:
$3 each, available at the EcoDrop Rome (Perimeter Road, Rte. 365, Rome) and EcoDrop Utica (Leland Ave. Extension, Utica). Please call (315) 733-1224 to ensure availability of bagged compost.

Each bag weighs about 45 pounds and contains 1.2 cubic feet of compost.

Call (315) 733-1224 for more information.