City of Utica Residents - The Department of Public Works will be collecting Christmas trees now through February 7th, 2025.

Reduce Reuse Tips

1. Carry canvas or mesh shopping bags and reduce the profusion of plastic.

2. Buy beverages in refillable or returnable containers.

3. Buy goods that are not over-packaged. Some goods can be purchased in bulk quantities.

4. Choose products in containers that are accepted in our recycling program.

5. Choose durable household goods rather than disposables.

6. Donate items in good condition to charity, such as furniture and clothing.

7. Reuse books by sharing them with others or donating them.

8. Encourage your community group, school district, or business to use recycled paper in their publications.

9. Instead of buying bottled water, wash the bottles and refill.

10. Remove your name from junk-mail lists by writing to:
DMA Mail Preference Service, Direct Marketing Association, P.O. Box 643, Carmel, NY 15012-0643. Give your address and every variation of your name under which you receive mail.

11. Recycle old cell phones.

12. Reuse Sunday comics and old road maps for wrapping gifts.

13. Reuse large pieces of wrapping paper, bows and ribbons, and gift bags.

14. Make gift tags by cutting out the pictures from greeting cards.

15. Reuse paper clips and rubber bands.

16. Use the blank side of sheets of paper as scrap paper and grocery lists.

17. Save cardboard backing from note pads for craft projects, or as protection when mailing pictures.