City of Utica Residents - The Department of Public Works will be collecting Christmas trees now through February 7th, 2025.

Plastic Film

Reusable Bags

Remember: Reusable Bags are best!

If you do have to use plastic grocery bags and other plastic film items, follow the instructions below for proper recycling/disposal.

Although some plastic film items such as grocery bags have the recycling triangle with a number in the middle, they can not be recycled through the Authority’s recycling program. Plastic film can be brought to most local grocery stores for recycling. 

Do not place plastic bags or other plastic film in your recycling container.

As of January 1, 2009, a statewide law requires certain retail and grocery stores to set up a plastic carry out bag recycling program for their customers. Stores with 10,000 square feet or more of retail space and chains which operate five or more stores with greater than 5,000 square feet of retail space, and which provide plastic carry out bags to customers are required to comply with the law.

As of March 1, 2020, a new statewide law bans the distribution of plastic carry out bags for all retailers that are required to collect NYS Sales Tax. These locations are still required to accept plastic film back for recycling. For more information about who this law effects, exempt bags and more, please visit the NYS Bag Waste Reduction Law page on the Department of Environmental Conservation's website.  

The collection containers for plastic bags are usually found at the entrances/exits of the stores and they take any type of grocery store bag for recycling.

You can also find information and drop-off locations by visiting

If you are a business with large quantities of clean plastic film, please contact Recycling Coordinator Eileen Brinck at for recycling options.

If you are unable to recycle your plastic bags and other film plastics through a take-back program, please reuse them and then dispose of them with your garbage.

Wondering why plastic film cannot be placed in recycling bins? Watch the Authority's Tanglers Video on our YouTube page!